1. Removing Your Eye Protection on the Field
The number one reason players do this is because their eye protection begins to fog, and they can no longer see. Goggle-fog can be frustrating and greatly impact your experience in itself. As a "rookie," we understand that you might not want to spend hundreds of dollars on high-tech eye and face protection, so we are here to offer cheap and simple solutions to this problem.

The Solution:
We understand fog wipes might not work for our sweatiest airsoft players, so enter the Ex Fog Antifog system kit. This onboard fan system can turn any eye protection system into a fully vented air system, flowing fresh air in and stale air out.
And if you ever get stuck in a situation where you are completely fogged up on the field, hold up your dead rag and get off the field (find a ref to help you if you can). Never take off your eye pro.
2. Negligent Discharge
Another rookie mistake that we always see is someone shooting their airsoft gun in an area such as staging, a parking lot, or the registration booth. Negligent discharge can be hazardous to yourself and others, especially since no one wears eye protection in these areas. Our first and foremost tip on this matter is to treat your replica as if it is a real firearm, never pointing it in any direction you don't intend to fire while off the field. We do understand that things happen, and a little extra insurance never hurts anyone.
The Solution:
Barrel covers are designed to cover the muzzle of your airsoft gun to prevent any accidental shots from causing injury to yourself, others, and property in places where gameplay isn't permitted.
It's important to note that gloves, socks, (yes we've seen it all) or other non-barrel cover items cannot be used in place of this product in most fields.
Another way we recommend to prevent any sort of negligent discharge is the use of a proper gun case or bag when transporting your replica. You should never transport your airsoft gun without a gun back. Ever.

This is for your safety, your replicas and those around you. Additionally, it might be legally required in your state. You can buy them at most sporting goods stores, gun shops, and online retailers.
3. Wrong Eye/Face Protection
Another common mistake beginners make is selecting the wrong face and eye protection. We understand how expensive your first year of playing airsoft is, but choosing low-quality gear can put you at risk of getting injured while playing.
We have seen players using mesh eye protection. And I get it - new players might be tempted to buy mesh eye protection because of the price and ventilation, but it has its dangers. Tiny fragments from BBs can pass through the mesh and cause eye injuries.

The Solution:
Get goggles or glasses that are impact-resistant and meet safety standards. Ensure that your face protection covers vulnerable areas without compromising visibility, striking a balance between safety and comfort.
Depending on your age and where you are playing, you may be required to wear full-face goggles. I highly recommend that players use full face protection, especially for younger airsoft players. Most airsoft fields actually require participants under 18 years of age to wear a full airsoft or paintball-style mask. These masks offer full coverage from your forehead to your jawline and sometimes have added ear protection. Even experienced players wear full-face goggles, especially for indoor airsoft.
Either way, eye and face protection is something you do not want to skimp on.
4. Not Wearing Gloves
Aside from eye and face protection, gloves are arguably the next most important piece of gear a player can utilize to protect one of the body's most sensitive areas from airsoft guns! At some point, we have all experienced the unfortunate moment when we forget our gloves. However, we quickly learned a valuable lesson that ensures we will never forget them again.
Especially true for indoor airsoft, finger and hand shots can really hurt, potentially stinging for the rest of your airsoft session! Gloves should be one of the first items purchased when getting into the hobby. They are incredibly convenient and can be stored on your person, dangling from a carabiner, or in a pocket when not in use.

The Solution:
There are great options for cheap, budget-friendly gloves that you can find at your local hardware store. You can find a large variety of different gloves that are catered to all playstyles at Amped Airsoft. Opt for gloves that provide maximum knuckle and finger protection or padding. But no matter what you choose, wear gloves.
You'll thank me later.
5. Using the Wrong BBs
Airsoft guns are designed to shoot plastic BBs 6mm in diameter. Using any other type of ammunition, especially metal BBs meant for traditional BB guns, is EXTREMELY dangerous to other players and can cause severe damage to your airsoft gun's internals, affecting its functionality. When purchasing BBs for airsoft, always ensure they are 6mm plastic BBs, designed specifically for airsoft gameplay. Using the correct ammunition not only ensures the safety of players but also preserves the longevity and functionality of your airsoft equipment.
There is no difference in size with heavier weights. No matter the weight, all airsoft BBs are perfectly spherical 6mm plastic that fit in just about any airsoft gun (there are, in fact, different sizes of BBs, but these are very far and few between, reserved for a small number of bolt action airsoft guns that are rare in themselves).
The Solution:
Understand the different weights. Entry-level BB weights can range from .20g up to .48g. Typically, most beginner guns can use .20g, .25g, and .28g bbs just fine. The heavier your BB weight, the more you must adjust your replica's hop up system. We recommend using heavier BB weights if you are using higher-end airsoft replicas or have upgraded your airsoft gun. Heavier BBs will help maximize your replica's performance, increase your range, and give you more stopping power on your target.
It is worth noting that when engaging with your opponents at close range in airsoft, using heavier BBs can lead to more damage than using lighter ones. Therefore, it is important to use them responsibly. Most airsoft fields, particularly indoor facilities, have a specified BB weight outlined in their rule set, which can be found on the respective arena's website.
6. Not Calling Your Hits
Airsoft is a sport built on trust, and failing to call your hits can lead to some really angry airsoft players and diminish the overall experience. Newcomers may find it hard to gauge whether they've been hit, especially in the heat of the moment.
The Solution:
To avoid this mistake, practice awareness on the field and listen for the distinct sound of BB impacts.
Honesty is critical in airsoft, so if you think you've been hit, take the honorable route and call yourself out. Make sure to raise your hand and scream "HIT" loud enough for others to hear, and use your dead rag/light to avoid being overshot. Remember, airsoft is a game, and we're here to have fun.
7. Leaving Your Battery Plugged In
Another common rookie mistake in airsoft is leaving your battery plugged in after a game. Many new (and even experienced) players tend to forget to unplug their batteries, leading to potential long-term battery damage and decreased performance.
Some guns contain internal components such as MOSFETs or other features that can consume battery power even when the gun is not in use, and if a LiPo fully discharges, it's ruined.

The Solution:
To prevent this from happening, I recommend disconnecting the battery as soon as you are done playing. This simple habit can help you avoid the risk of damaging your battery and prolong its lifespan.
8. Buying Before You've Rented
Buying an an expensive airsoft gun without prior experience is a classic rookie mistake in airsoft. It's easy to be tempted by cool gear or high-end guns, but they might not align with your preferences or comfort during gameplay. This "trial period" ensures that when you decide to get your own equipment, it will be a well-informed and personalized choice tailored to you and your playstyle.

The Solution:
I highly recommend renting or borrowing gear for the first couple of times before making any substantial purchases. This gives you time to learn your preferences, playing style, and needs.
If the field you play airsoft at does not provide rental guns, and you intend to play regularly, it is recommended that you purchase your own airsoft gun that can be used for different playstyles. This will save you money in the long run. Amped Airsoft offers new player bundle deals that include airsoft guns that can be used for various playstyles.
9. Dehydration
Forgetting to stay hydrated is a crucial yet often overlooked rookie mistake in airsoft. Playing airsoft, especially in outdoor environments and during warmer weather, is physically demanding. Proper hydration is essential to maintain performance, focus, and overall well-being.
The Solution:
To avoid this rookie mistake, make it a priority to bring along enough water to keep you hydrated throughout the day. You can either invest in a hydration system or bring a water bottle for easy access to fluids. Remember to take short breaks and listen to your body. If you start feeling dizzy or tired, it's probably time to rehydrate.
10. Forgetting Airsoft is Just a Game
It's okay to be competitive. The best of us are especially in the heat of the game. But its important to remember that airsoft is just that... a game. Before each Milsim West game - players recite a pledge and it really captures the importance of remembering that airsoft is a hobby and we are all here to have fun.
The Solution:
Don't take things too seriously, and you'll have a great time and build some amazing relationships amongst one of the best communities out there.