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NVG Rentals

NVG Event Rentals

Heading to an event that Amped will be vending? Make sure to secure your night vision rentals ahead of time!

*Note: We do not offer rentals for all events. Please visit our events page for more information.

Night Vision at Amped Airsoft Rentals


Secure NVG rentals for AMS OP Blacksite IV.

Amped Airsoft NVG Rental for AMS Op Blacksite IV |  Apr 12th - Apr 13th

Secure NVG rentals for Gun Gamers OP Dead Fall.

Amped Airsoft NVG Rental for Gun Gamers OP Dead Fall | Apr 26th
Night Vision at Amped Airsoft Rentals


Secure NVG rentals for AMS OP Southern Front 7.

Amped Airsoft NVG Rental for AMS Southern Front 7 |  May 3rd - May 4th

Secure NVG rentals for Stag Ops Spring Offensive 17.

Amped Airsoft NVG Rental for STAG OPs Spring Offensive 17 |  May 16th - May 18th

Learn More...

Top 5 Tips for Night Vision Owners
TOP 5TIPS FORNIGHT VISIONOWNERS 29th March - The Blog Squad- Night Vision Have you recently purchased your first pair of NODs? Are you looking for some advice and guidance on how to get [...]
What to Pack For An Overnight Milsim Event
What To Pack for an Overnight Milsim Event It is no secret that some [...]
How to Prepare for Milsim West
MilSim West is one of the most intense military simulation production company in North America. They continually push the boundaries of what a conventional airsoft event can include. For instance, you might bring a backpack with BBs and water to your respawn zone [...]