While other events allow you to use your own BBs with minimal restrictions, Milsim West issues a finite amount of BBs, forcing players to choose shots responsibly and strategically issue resupplies to squad elements. Above all of this, Milsim West offers the most immersive military and combat simulation experience, allowing the player to forget how they got into the game and live completely in the moment. Today, we will provide a beginner's guide to attending MSW.
"...the most immersive military and combat simulation experience, allowing the player to forget how they got into the game and live completely in the moment"

What is MilSim West?

Preparing for Milsim West

Another great aspect of MSW is its highly developed community of impression groups. These impression groups take heavy influence from real military units worldwide and copy their uniform, kit, firearms, attachments, and sometimes down to the correct issued underwear and socks. These impression groups are essentially clubs within the MSW ecosystem and airsoft as a whole. There are quite a few impression groups on both the NATO and RUSFOR sides. The RUSFOR side has Rushing Russians (RR for short), which recreates many Russian military units, including VDV, SOBR, FSB, and SSO. NATO impression groups include (but are not limited to) Task Force Keg (10th Mountain Impression), Kampfverband (German KSK Impression), MSW GROMmets (Polish JW Grom Impression), Task Force Mayhem (US Army Ranger Impression), and so many more. These groups existing within the MSW ecosystem are one of my favorite aspects of the series. Seeing these groups in action, organized, and fighting alongside each other (or against) creates a sense of community and cohesion that can only be seen at an MSW. Each group has its own criteria for joining, probationary status, and kit standards. The best way to get in touch with them is via their general interest pages on Facebook or by reaching out via their Instagram accounts.
Although joining up with an impression group and attending an MSW is a great way to immerse yourself into the game, there is nothing wrong with simply following the camo and replica rules for your faction and playing the game in its simplest form. This way, you can decide if you enjoy the longer, more intense form of airsoft, and you can make an effort and invest in an impression.
If you are looking to plunge into MSW or even a longer-form airsoft game, check out our article on how to pack specifically for an event of this length here! It is also important to follow the specific rules and guidelines set by MSW, so make sure you read and understand their TACSOP and other helpful information.

Attending An MSW
The anticipation begins to build when you arrive at an MSW. The staff goes as far as having two different parking areas for check-in and your final gear layout. You will not see the opposing team until your first engagement on the field. During your check-in process, you will meet up with your assigned platoon to check your equipment. You will also go through Chrono and get your initial load of BBs issued. Right before step-off, you will be briefed and given any last-minute instructions. After this, you will begin the first movement of the game, rucking out to your first position.
Throughout the event, you will take part in both small and large troop movements and skirmishes led by the MSW Cadre, who are all ex-military and exist in the game to give players the most cohesive and realistic MILISM experience possible. There will be moments of high intensity, and there will be lulls in the game where you might be one watch or security. You are typically pushed to certain limits and forced to challenge yourself. Players are sleep-deprived due to the constant and never-ending nature of the game.
The game will only stop for drastic emergencies or its index on Sunday morning. Following the endex, players can attend the After Action Report, or AAR for short. Here, you can leave positive or negative feedback for the event directly to MSW. This is a way to improve your MSW experience constantly.
Preparation is of the utmost importance for these events, preparing both your physical ability as well as your gear and equipment. In our experience, when you are prepared and in shape, it allows you to have the most fun. Hope to see you out there!