By The Blog Squad
In the past year, the competitive speedsoft has taken the airsoft community by storm, and companies are now creating new gear and guns to accommodate its ever-growing popularity. If you are looking to get into speedsoft or want to upgrade your current loadout then you've come to the right place!
We'll be going over some of the latest and greatest gear available for anyone wanting to build a competitive loadout. From speed builds to tactical gear to the best protection, this guide will cover everything you need to get ready before stepping onto that battlefield! Let’s dive into building one awesome speed loadout.
What is Competitive Speedsoft?
Speedsoft is a fast-paced and more aggressive style of gameplay. It involves fast movements, quick thinking, and assertive strategies to complete the objective and eliminate the opposing team. Speedsoft is considered more of a sport due to its high intensity - expect plenty of sliding, ducking, quick movements, and rapid shooting. Whereas in open play or milsim, airsofters tend to be slower and more calculated with their actions.
Speedsoft tournaments apply fast gameplay and skill in a multi-round team-based competition. Each team's objective is to acquire more points than the opposing team. Each event is different, but points are typically acquired by capturing the flag and each enemy player is eliminated.
More competitive speedsoft leagues and airsoft fields have been emerging and hosting their own tournaments throughout the US. SpeedQB and CSL to name a few.
With the increase in competitive airsoft events, there has been more social media exposure at these events from well-known YouTubers; thus, leading to the growing popularity of speedsoft.
Building Your Loadout
Basic Gear
1. Face Protection
Some of the most used are Dye Precision i4 and i5 and now we are seeing more Push masks, over anything but if it's not in your budget, there are some other less expensive options. Additionally, you should wear a beanie underneath to protect and other exposed skin.
2. Battle Belt with Magazine Pouches
Battle belts have been widely used in competitive play since they are a lightweight, low-profile option to get easy waistline access to your mags and dump pouches. They also allow easy maneuverability and the ability to slide on your chest.
The Cubysoft Pro Harness is a great option that offers plenty of customizability and color options. Their belt features quick change strips that let you change up your loadout depending on the airsoft gun you're running.
3. Dump Pouch
In addition to your battle belt, a dump pouch is highly recommended. When you are in the heat of the game, you'll be limited on time and the best place to store your used magazines is in a dump pouch. Its more cost effective than needing to replace your magazines after slamming it on the ground, I can confirm from personal experience.
4. Chest Rig
Chest rigs are another popular and versatile piece of gear for your loadout. Many companies today have designed speedsoft specific chest rigs that focus on being lightweight, modular, and most importantly, extremely customizable.
5. Knee Pads
Have you ever tried sliding and your knee landed directly on a BB? If you haven't, I'm jealous. If you plan on sliding, diving, or even just kneeling - for the love of all things - wear knee pads.
6. Gloves
Gloves are important for any type of gameplay, but when you are playing speedsoft they are crucial. With the amount of bb's getting shot at close range, you'll want to protect your fingers. More often than not, your hands are the most exposed when you are peeking around those barriers.
Best Airsoft Guns for Speedsoft
As you may have guessed, you'll need an airsoft gun that can shoot fast. Due to high intense nature of the game, players often opt for lightweight gas blowback, speedbuilds and CQB style rifles. Today, there are so many options that are catered to speedsofters.
1. Speedbuilds
As the competitive airsoft industry is advancing, it has begun to produce some of the most revolutionary products ever. We are on the brink of a new era, in which airsoft guns have become more lightweight and powered by HPA engines.
These builds prioritize factors like trigger response, accuracy, and rate of fire, crucial elements in high-pressure match scenarios. Speedbuilds also allow for customization tailored to individual playstyles, enabling players to excel in specific roles. Additionally, the efficiency gained from a good speedbuild can save precious seconds, often the difference between you securing the W or getting hit.
And the best part? They are already pre-built.

2. AAP-01 and Hi-Capa Gas Blowback Pistols
Hi-Capas and AAP-01s have become staples in the airsoft speedsoft community due to their inherent potential for customization and performance enhancement.
The AAP-01, has gained popularity for its compact size, impressive performance and price point. With more companies introducing new internal and external upgrades, its quickly becoming a favorite among speedsofters.
While more expensive, Hi-Capas offer a solid foundation for building highly competitive primary with the amount of custom parts available on the market. Additionally, the hi-capa offers 32-round magazine stock. Both the AAP-01 and Hi-Capa have 50-round magazines available on the market. Extended magazines are essential if the tournaments don't allow HPA.
Both platforms are great options, as they allow players to fine-tune their pistols to match their specific playstyle and field conditions.
3. Close Quarter Combat (CQB) Airsoft Gun
There are some great AEG's available that are CQB beasts.
The G&G SSG-1 was designed for competitive airsoft with its great stock internals, MOSFET & ETU, and the drop stock that makes it easy to use when wearing a mask.
Another option is G&G CM16 Carbine Light Airsoft Rifle; not only does it have an agile structure ideal for tight spaces, but also presents itself as aggressive yet lightweight perfect for CQB!
The main thing to look for when picking a gun for competitive play is how well it can withstand rapid fire, the upgrade parts available, and how quick you can move with it. Any of these CQB rifles can have an HPA engine installed if your field / tournament allows.